The Northwest Suburban Astronomers (NSA), in cooperation with the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District, will be hosting a public star party on Saturday night August 27th at Afton Forest Preserve in DeKalb County, Illinois. This is your opportunity to look at stars, galaxies, nebulae and star clusters with the help of NSA member telescopes. Afton Forest Preserve is located at 13600 Crego Road (approximately 1 mile south of Perry Rd.). Some of the observing highlights will be the planet Jupiter, open cluster M11, globular clusters M15 and M22, the constellations Sagittarius and Cassiopeia among others.
Please bring warm clothing (nights can be chilly), insect repellant (if needed), and a flashlight covered with red plastic or cellophane (red light preserves your night vision).
The star party will begin at 7:30 p.m. (sunset is at 7:37 p.m. CDT). You can also come out early and have a picnic and hike the trails. You are welcome to bring your own telescope or binoculars. In the event of inclement weather the event will be canceled. There is no cost to attend.
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