Pictured from left to right: back row: Kevin Poorten, KishHealth System president and CEO, Alessandra Ramalho, Debi Frankovich, Marcia Kinsey, Jim Butler, Sharon Williams, Cherie Recchia, Brittany Gerard, and Jan Sofranko; front row: Marcy Rubic, Cile Massover, Cheryl Lorden, and Kim Perri.
Members of the Kishwaukee Hospital Auxiliary Board of Directors presented a check in the amount of $37,500 to the KishHealth System Foundation, which was accepted by Marcy Rubic, Foundation executive director. These funds, proceeds from Green Leaf Gift Shop sales, will be used to purchase needed equipment for Kishwaukee Hospital.
Purchases include a birthing simulator for the Clinical Education department, which allows for professional training to prepare teams for normal deliveries and rare and/or acute delivery scenarios; blood chart recorder refrigerator, a replacement for an existing appliance for the Laboratory department, and a Trophon EPR, a high-level disinfection system, for the Radiology department.
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