Interested in helping first-year students succeed at NIU? Apply to become a UNIV 101/201 educator for fall 2016.
UNIV 101 is a one-credit academic seminar focused on helping first-year students develop the essential skills needed to make an enjoyable and successful transition to NIU. UNIV 201 is a similar course designed specifically for transfer students.
In fall 2015, 82 sections of UNIV 101/201 were offered and 1,428 first-year NIU students enrolled.
UNIV 101/201 educators impact the experiences of these new students and provide them with resources to help them adjust to life at NIU.
Educators must:
- Be a current member of the NIU faculty, staff or administration;
- Hold a master’s degree; and
- Have prior college level teaching experience.
UNIV 101/201 educators typically receive stipends of $2,000 for teaching an individual section or $1,000 for co-educating the 11-week course. Once hired, all educators are required to attend training workshops, department meetings and participate in course feedback through email correspondence and surveys.
First- and Second-Year Experience staff highly recommend that new UNIV educators attend an overview meeting to learn more about the position. THE FINAL SESSION IS 3 p.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, IN ALTGELD 125. RSVP to with the planned date of attendance or to report an inability to attend because of a prior commitment.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 18.
Call (815) 753-0028 or email for more information.
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