A famous woman once said, if your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader. Join the next NIU College of Business Wednesday Night Wisdom online speaker event featuring Congresswoman Robin Kelly, who serves the 2nd Congressional District of Illinois. All are welcome to register for free (go.niu.edu/wnw). The event is Nov. 18 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
The guest speaker is an NIU alumna and an inspiration in many ways.
Robin Kelly, Political Science, Ph.D. ’04, — Congresswoman Robin Kelly has dedicated her career to public service as an advocate for Illinois families. Since being elected to serve the 2nd Congressional District in 2013, she has worked to expand economic opportunity, community wellness and public safety across the state, championing numerous initiatives to generate job growth, reduce health disparities, and end gun violence.
She is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee (the main policy-writing body of the House) and serves on the Health, Energy, and Consumer Protection and Commerce subcommittees. Her Energy and Commerce work is focused on expanding access to healthcare, consumer protection for American families and economic development.
Learn Kelly’s guidelines for leading through thoughtful listening and inspiring others.
The Northern Illinois University College of Business in June launched an online speaker series, Wednesday Night Wisdom, to keep students, alumni and friends learning and connected in this unprecedented time.
When the rapid spread of the coronavirus sent NIU students home in the middle of the spring semester, the College of Business quickly pivoted to remote teaching and learning strategies for in-class learning, and virtual activities for supplemental, out-of-class learning through the Business Passport Program.
“We were very pleased at our business students’ willingness to engage virtually in the spring,” said Amy Buhrow, senior director of strategy, student success and accreditation. “Connectivity is the core of the college experience. We launched the Wednesday Night Wisdom series to keep our students, alumni and friends connected to one another and to learning, wherever they may be.”
Each year, the College of Business hosts nearly 500 alumni and business professional visits. With limits on face-to-face interactions, the Wednesday Night Wisdom online speaker series taps our valued alumni and friends virtually to share knowledge in a safe, interactive way.
“The NIU College of Business has an expansive and highly informed base of alumni and faculty — any one of whom could be described as an expert in any number of fields,” said Cassandra Young, College of Business director of alumni relations. “Time and time again, they have proven the value of their knowledge as consultants through publications, to students and to other alumni. We are proud and delighted to feature their expertise and perspectives in the Wednesday Night Wisdom series.”
“We launched the series slowly in June and have completed a few events each month,” said Rachel Schmit, senior event coordinator for NIU’s College of Business. “The live event is recorded and then edited for a downloadable future podcast.”
College of Business Dean Balaji Rajagopalan said he’s grateful to alumni for sharing their knowledge on topics, such as tapping into networks during this challenging time, managing finances through retirement and leadership through a crisis.
“Our alumni and faculty members have stepped up to provide a wealth of information and are helping others to stay focused and productive on their business, school assignments, projects and personal lives,” Rajagopalan said.
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