Update (1:22 p.m.):
ComEd has notified the City that there are only 58 homes in Genoa remaining without power.
Even for those with power, if it’s taking a while for your homes to warm up, please utilize City Hall as a warming center if you need to.
ComEd has also sent a warming bus which is parked in the Police Department parking lot.
Due to the severe cold and the City-wide power outage, power was also lost at the water wells. This caused the pressure to drop below the mandated EPA low pressure threshold. Even though the system was not compromised, we are required to mandate a community wide boil order for the next 24 hours.
As the pressure comes back up, the water might be discolored. This is common when the system is disturbed.
Initial Post:
According to a message sent out by the Genoa-Kingston School District Superintendent, about 1500 Genoa, IL residents are currently without electricity.
Given the extreme cold weather (currently -20°F), this is obviously a dangerous situation.
Genoa City Hall (333 E 1st St.) and Genoa-Kingston High School (980 Park Ave.) are being used as warming centers.
ComEd has sent a warming bus to Genoa City Hall and expect power back up at by 3 p.m.
Genoa residents are also experiencing issues with water pressure.
If you live in Genoa, please make sure you check on your neighbors and notify the police if you think anyone might be in danger.
We will give updates on this situation later.
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Only 50???

Yes, just updated

Only around 50 homes in DeKalb County remain withoit electricity. Genoa is up and running now

Mark Pietrowski Jr. Only 50?

Kathy Burright That is what ComEd is saying

Kathy Burright now. There were 1,000 plus that were restored.

Please check on your neighbors (especially the elderly).

Tonya Kaiser

Ours is back running in genoa

ComEd has sent a warming bus to Genoa City hall and expect power back up at 3 pm

Checking on residents in Genoa.

Great work and response from the servicemen who put their lives on the line for us. Still wondering why there isn’t dual or even triple redundancy built into the system – a sound engineering practice that could have kept power on and allow repairmen to address the failure at a safer time.

Many people have had their power restored in DeKalb county after a little over 6 hours. Thank you to all of the employee who worked hard in dangerous conditions to get my power back on in Esmond

South 11th St. in Dekalb is out of power too 🙁

This is awful but sending prayers for the crews trying to operate equipment and fix this as well as those without power
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Mindy Lewis