The expansion of the landfill in Cortland, to accept the municipal waste from 17-counties including Chicago, is not a done deal. Yes, the County Board voted 16-8 to approve it. But a grassroots appeal has been filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board and that process in ongoing.
The Illinois Pollution Control Board publishes current updates regarding the appeal to its website, found here.
The Illinois Pollution Control Board is a quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial body that adopts environmental regulations and hears contested cases, effectively acting as an environmental court of law. It determines, defines, and implements environmental control standards in accordance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, while acting for the state regarding standards submitted in accordance with federal laws covering environmental protection. The Board, consisting of seven technically qualified members appointed to three-year terms by the Governor and confirmed by the Illinois Senate, conducts hearings on complaints charging violations of the Act or regulations brought by the State or citizens. The Board also hears contested cases involving decisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM), and local government siting decisions on pollution control facilities (landfills, incinerators and waste transfer stations).
A public hearing will be held in DeKalb County in the middle of October. The exact time, date and location have yet to be determined.
Citizens may submit written statements to the Board before, at, or after the hearing. Letters should refer to Case # PCB 2010-103. They may file written comments electronically or to the following address:
Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
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