The Northern Illinois Farm Show returns to the Convocation Center in DeKalb on Jan. 13 and 14, 2016. With over 5,000 attendees and 200 local and leading exhibitors, the IDEAg Northern Illinois Farm Show is a convenient venue for producers in northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin and eastern Iowa to meet with agribusinesses under one roof. The show will feature a multitude of highly informative and strong educational programs developed by the University of Illinois Extension Services located in the main meeting room of the NIU Convocation Center.
The two-day show, presented by IDEAgroup, features educational sessions with topics pertaining to the Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy, weather trends and weed management decisions, plus hundreds of exhibits and agribusiness displays.
Wednesday, Jan. 13 – “Extreme Weather in Northern Illinois” presented by Candice King, chief meteorologist, WTVO TV, Rockford, 11 a.m.- Noon. She will discuss how severe weather has impacted northern Illinois including the Fairdale tornado that devastated parts of DeKalb, Ogle and Boone counties in the spring of 2015.
“Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS): What is it? What does it mean for you?” presented by Lyndsey Ramsey, associate director of Natural & Environmental Resources, Governmental Affairs & Commodities Division, Illinois Farm Bureau, 1-2 p.m. This presentation will discuss the NLRS and what is happening with the Strategy across the state since it was released in July. She will also give an update on WOTUS.
Thursday, Jan. 14 – “2016 Weed Management Decisions” by Russ Higgins, U of I Extension ag educator, 10-11 a.m. The 2015 weather challenges resulted in disappointing weed control for many farmers and has encouraged most to rethink future weed management plans. Those decisions need to include strategies to deal with evolving species and weed resistance issues in Illinois. Weed resistance, sites of action, weeds to watch, effective timing, and how to develop a long-term weed management plan will be shared by Higgins.
The educational sessions have been arranged by the local Soil and Water Conservation District, the Farm Service Agency, county Extension office and county Farm Bureau. Click here for a flyer with much more information about the Farm Show.
Hours of the show are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13th and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 14. There is no charge for admission; however parking fee is $5.
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