There are many important races to be decided on Tuesday, November 2nd. But in DeKalb voters will be asked an advisory question. It may be the most important question asked even if the actual vote count doesn’t legally matter much:
The person who votes NO to this question couldn’t find Sherlock in an outhouse. Meaningful pension reform to relieve the extensive burden on local taxpayers? Are you kidding me? Of course we want reform.
The reform buck starts and stops with abuse. Start at the top of the public pension food chain and retroactively eliminate pension portions that abuse the taxpayers. No public pension should be higher than the President of the United States and most should be a lot lower. That’s a good pension ceiling.
Who determines what is public pension abuse? The taxpayers. It darn sure can’t be the judges because they’d all have to recluse themselves while pleading the 5th because they’re high end food chainers.
No one represented this advisory question at any of the candidate forums I attended. I suspect its a question on a side of a public employee equity struggle. That’s my uneducated guess. But public pension reform with an eye towards eliminating top-heavy abuse had better be on everyone’s agenda. Otherwise a lot of taxpayers and a bunch more people looking at low-end public pensions are going to be looking in Sherlock’s Out House for a little bit of luck.
Fix that.
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