Note from DeKalb Mayor Jerry Smith:
As I was driving down North First Street, I happened to glance at two signs that resonated with me…One, on an electronic church sign, read “Help One Another.” The other, posted on a real estate office sign, said something to the effect that we do better when we work together.
Collaboration and communication. Those are two components of what the staff at the City of DeKalb are doing during this COVID-19 scenario. We’re doing our best of staying in touch with others…the School District…the Northwestern Medical community…DeKalb County government…and the State of Illinois.
And, we’re trying to keep our citizenry informed, internally through our website, and externally by keeping in touch with local media outlets. While we have restricted access to our Municipal Building, we want folks to know that we are “open for business,” asking our citizens to use the telephone, email and online payment services as much as possible.
Our current plans are to hold meetings of our Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council as usual, in our Council Chambers. All Planning and Zoning and Council meetings will be televised, and we invite public participation through “virtual attendance,” using email and a special form designed at for remote participation.
We look forward to an eventual easing of this extraordinary crisis and want our citizens to know that the City of DeKalb will do what it takes to help all of us get through this unprecedented experience.
Jerry Smith, Mayor of DeKalb 03.19.2020
Note from DCO: Working together and to make things better is our future, please hold criticism until this health crisis is over.

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