TAILS Humane Society opens the Low-cost Spay/Neuter Program to all pet owners making it more affordable for people here and in surrounding communities. Each year, TAILS is inundated with unwanted litters of puppies and kittens. Across the country, 3-5 million pets each year are euthanized because they are unwanted.
“During tough economic times, it can be difficult to afford to spay or neuter your pet,” says Beth Drake, TAILS Executive Director. “Because of the tragedy of pet overpopulation, we believe spay/neuter is very important.”
TAILS Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program makes it more cost-effective for people to begin responsible pet ownership. Prices at TAILS are significantly lower than veterinarian clinics but pets should be seen by veterinarians annually and when needed.
Male cats are neutered for $50 and female cats spayed for $75. Costs for dogs depend on the weight of the dog. For dogs under 40 pounds, males are neutered at a cost of $75 and females spayed for $100. For dogs between 41-75 pounds, males are neutered for $100 and females spayed for $125. For dogs over 76 pounds, males are neutered for $125 and females spayed for $150. Low-cost vaccinations and microchips are available for $15 during surgery appointments.
Appointments are necessary and can be made by calling TAILS at (815) 758-2457, extension 107, email spayneuter@tailshumanesociety.org or submit the application on their website at www.tailshumanesociety.org.
Pets are dropped off at the TAILS Humane Society Veterinary Clinic at 2250 Barber Greene Road in DeKalb, the morning of surgery and picked up later the same day. Pre-anesthetic blood work is strongly recommended for dogs older than 7 years but blood work is available for all animals for an additional fee.
“Please wait at least two months to schedule a spay if your female dog has shown any signs of being in heat while keeping in mind that the female is most fertile the two weeks after discharge stops,” Drake added. For information about why pets should be spayed or neutered, see articles on TAILS website at www.tailshumanesociety.org.
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