Candidate’s Name: Jerry Smith
Office you are seeking: Mayor
Unit of Government: City of DeKalb
Candidate’s website address:
Q2: Response to the budget crunch
- Unfortunately, taxes and fees must be increased to meet expenditures. Disagree
- Expenditures must be reduced to meet the revenue. It’s that simple. Agree
- Taxes are high enough so let’s raise fees. Disagree
- This is a time to lean on staff for their recommendations. Uncertain
- It’s time to hire a consultant and get a report that will guide us through these tough times. Disagree
- Hold the line on taxes. Use the rainy day fund to cover expenses. Things have got to get better. Uncertain
Comment: Some of the terminology used in this survey, i.e. “lean on staff,” and “rainy day fund” are vague.
Q3: What services would you seek to enhance or expand during your term?
Devise website to allow residents to contact their specific alderman with issues in their Ward.
Q4: What services would you cut or reduce to balance the budget?
Before I made specific recommendations, I would consult with Council and Staff. We need communication and consensus before making knee-jerk decisions.
Q5: What makes you uniquely qualified for the position you are seeking?
My leadership in running a business and a philanthropic non-profit. Additionally, my experience in civic involvement such DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, Kishwaukee Hospital, and DeKalb County Community Foundation, to name a few.
Q6: What does open, transparent government mean to you?
The government of the People, By the People, For the People. Those in elected and appointed positions should always remind themselves that they are the servants of the citizens. One of the primary keys of transparency is communication. In DeKalb, we need to do a better job of that.
Q7: What changes to your community are needed?
With effective leadership in the mayor’s position, and in concert with the City Council and city staff, we can involve our citizens in all neighborhoods to not only realize our strengths but work together to solve our problems. We have a great opportunity to embrace the diversity that DeKalb’s population brings, and to fully support the idea that we are indeed “Proudly DeKalb.”
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