Letter to the Editor:
At 7pm on Monday night, November 8th, the DeKalb City Council will be voting for the final time on Hope Haven’s request to expand on to their own property. This expansion will not cost the tax payers of DeKalb anything. It will be paid for with grant money and donations. It will allow Hope Haven to better serve the needs of our fellow citizens who have become homeless. As we all know home foreclosures have hit record highs. Hope Haven has also had to turn more in need away because of a lack of space. Many children are among those who have to be turned away.
Please come out Monday night in support of Hope Haven. Wear your Hope Haven button and help fill the chamber again to send a strong message to the council that the majority of DeKalb citizens support the excellent programs of Hope Haven, and that the majority of citizens in DeKalb County care about their fellow citizens who are suffering the brunt of our present economy.
Please pass the word and invite friends and neighbors to attend with you. The meeting is at the City Council chambers at 200 South Fourth street on the 2nd floor.
Hope to see you there.
Thank You,
Dan Kenney, DeKalb
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I don't know why the contract wasn't on this agenda. They saved it for the next one, I guess.
We can't afford the contract in money or personnel. Are we short-handed or not?
And what's going to happen to first responders if the state doesn't come up with the $788,000 it owes us in income taxes?
Maybe it is not on the agenda. I thought I heard there were directions to place it on. Maybe it didn't make it. This issure really does address the core prolems with government budgets. Alderpeople in wards 1-3-5-7 who are up for election will now pass a contract that the city looses money on for the next 4 years. They then leave this underfunded contract for the next elected officials to sort out
Ed, I know they said at the CoW last time to prepare an ordinance for the next regular meeting, but I do not see it on the agenda. If it's in there, it's buried very deeply indeed!
I believe burried in the agenda is the Fire Department NIU contract for the next 4 years. Of note this contract guarantees that the city will loose money for every year of the 4 year agreement. It is "not designed to recover all costs". Why do the people of DeKalb have to subsidized this loosing agreement? But rest assured the council will be told that this is the best agreement in the state with cities and large universities even though every town we benchmark this to is either going broke or already broke. I have a novel idea. Instead of benchmarking ourselves with towns our size that are broke lets benchmark with someone that is not in the red.
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Oh, I thought I would read something about Hope Haven in hear.