The park district has been restoring the shorelines of the 9 ponds and lakes that it has responsibility for in Sycamore. Included in that restoration is managing:
* eroding shorelines
* overpopulations of geese
* algae blooms caused by fertilizer runoff from lawns & fields
* beautification
To do this we have removed the shallow rooted lawn grasses and restored the native grasses and flowers of the Illinois Prairie which are deep rooting (thus holding the shoreline and preventing erosion). These same plants deter geese (nothing can eliminate them), filter the ferilizers/pesticides from your lawn (thus reducing the frequency and size of alage blooms), and create a natural beauty that existed here long before we settled the State of Illinois.
One other benefit is that MORE species of birds are drawn to the ponds, and one of those that is being seen more and more at Parkside Preserve is a pair of HERONS:
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