DeKalb County Republicans are looking for a candidate to take over the Third District seat, left vacant by the resignation of Riley Oncken. The DeKalb County Republican Central Committee will caucus on Saturday, August 1, 2015 to select a nominee for the Republican vacancy on the DeKalb County Board, District 3.
Individuals interested in being interviewed for this position will be required to submit a letter of intent and a CV (a CV is a fairly detailed overview of your life’s accomplishments, especially those most relevant) prior to the caucus. The minimum requirements for this position are that the individual lives in the district, which covers parts of Sycamore and Cortland, and be identified as a Republican. Deadline for submitting supportive documentation is Friday, July 31st. For more information contact Steve Kuhn at 815-501-9232. The next DeKalb County Republican Central Committee Meeting takes place next week on Thursday, July 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at the Sycamore Public Library.
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I don’t think I know anyone with enough time on their hands to fill that seat. Someone from Cortland would be good.

We need a democrat in that post.
Don’t bother.
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I need a new career