As part of the 2018 Street Maintenance Program, the City of DeKalb will begin a citywide crack filling program on Thursday, October 19. In addition to the Bridges of Rivermist, Devonshire Farms, and South Point subdivisions, contractors will work to crack fill the streets listed below:
Annie Glidden Road from South of IL 38 Viaduct to Bellevue Drive
South First Street from Taylor Street to Western Corporate Limit of Taylor
North First Street from Augusta Street to Dresser Road
West Dresser Road from Annie Glidden Road to North First Street
Bethany Road from Annie Glidden Road to Resource Parkway
Harvestore Drive from South First Street to IL 23
Fairview Drive from Annie Glidden Road to Peace Road
Pleasant Street from Peace Road to North Seventh Street
Crack filling is an economical, preventative maintenance tool that fills surface cracks with
an asphalt emulsion to prohibit the infiltration of water. By prohibiting water from penetrating the base and sub-base layers, crack filling can extend the life of a pavement
three to five years before requiring future maintenance.
The City requests motorists to proceed with caution when encountering crack filling crews
throughout the City. Moving, single lane closures will be in place with flaggers on both
ends of the closure. Dates are subject to change. Visit or follow
us on Facebook and Twitter @cityofdekalb_IL for updates.
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Cutting it close, aren’t they?
crack kills