The DeKalb Citizens’ Environmental Commission (CEC) is hosting a public meeting on Thursday, July 6 at 5:00 P.M. to receive input from residents on the City’s “Weed Ordinance” (Chapter 12 of the Municipal Code, par. 22). The meeting will be held at the City of DeKalb, City Council Chambers 200 South Fourth Street DeKalb IL 60115. Citizens are encouraged to attend and participate.
City ordinances restrict grassy vegetation growth to no more than 8” in height unless naturalized areas on a property are approved as part of a master plan, which outlines and identifies the property maintenance of that area. Homeowners and other property owners desiring to incorporate naturalized areas into private landscapes are finding themselves in violation of the City’s codes and wondering what they can do to make their desired landscapes legal. Surrounding neighbors have filed complaints with the City asking to have these owners cited and made to comply with the 8” height rule.
Written comments are welcome and should be received no later than JULY 6, 2017.
Please submit comments via mail or by email to:
Tim Holdeman, City Staff Liaison for the Citizens’ Environmental Commission
1216 Market Street, DeKalb, IL 60115
Email Address:
All comments will be shared with the Commission and included in the meeting minutes.
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So funny, I could have sworn in this “Free Country” that property was purchased so that we had the freedom to do what we wanted with it…
Land of the free, home of the brave. It is the last part that people fail to implement.
Devin Strejc
Proof that you never truly own your home.
well, everything in IL is a felony, well unless your a politician and then you have immunity
And. I am sick of NIUs unwillingness to replant large area where they have lost trees, considering that they don’t pay property taxes.
Get with the program DeKalb! Naturalization and native plants take less water. Its being done all around the country.
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With all the crime going on in DeKalb and they are worried about plants REALLY!!!