You don’t have to be a senior citizen to attend the 2012 Senior Citizens Health Fair on Thursday, July 26th. Whether you care for a senior or have reached that status, you will find useful information, free health tests and lots of friendly service providers. So many people wanted to participate last year; they decided to move to bigger facilities at the DeKalb High School (501 West Dresser Road, DeKalb). The fair will run from 9 until noon so come early and enjoy refreshments and a chance to visit.
Among the more than 70 service providers sharing information and answering questions will be free tests and exams including: dental health, body mass index testing, diabetic foot screenings, blood pressure, massage, vision and hearing screenings. Also at the fair will be an amplified phone demonstration for senior citizens with impaired hearing.
All who attend will have the opportunity to register for many door prizes too. If you don’t want to drive to the fair, rides may be arranged through VAC’s dial-a-ride hotline 815-758-6641 .
Representative Pritchard will be co-hosting the event alongside State Senator Christine Johnson, the Family Service Agency’s Senior Services Center, and the Voluntary Action Center. As always, the event is free.
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