DeKalb Public Library Board of Trustees,
In 2015, when the State was not able to turn over the promised money for the Library
expansion, money had to be borrowed from the City. The Trustees did the right thing in
coming to seek help from the City since delays with the construction would be more costly.
The Trustees decided to choose the levy route with the understanding that the amount borrowed would be returned and the levy abated once the State fulfilled its obligation.
Now the Trustees are being asked to consider other options, most of which do not fulfill the
original agreement. This should not happen.
Further, in 2015, instead of considering other possibilities such as borrowing from the City’s
Reserve Fund or to use TIF dollars, the levy route was chosen. At the time I asked why TIF
was not being considered and I was ignored.
The fact that the Library faces challenges with funding expenses for the future should not
enter into the picture. Future expenses should have been taken into account during the
development of the expansion process.
It is troubling that the Trustees 1) are moving in the direction of not meeting the terms of the agreement, 2) did not consider utilizing reserve funds or TIF, and 3) did not have a
projection of future expenses. It is also troubling for me to be to be bringing forth these
concerns to the Trustees, a group of people who give of their time and talent to be the
caretakers of the DeKalb Public Library.
These concerns are being brought forth in the spirit of enlightening everyone with the facts
with the hope of resolving the matter. Ignoring this is not an option. The goal is to
thoroughly vet the questions and concerns and then move forward to resolve.
Bessie Chronopoulos
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