The lower the voter turnout percentage at the upcoming primary election (Tues. March 18) the better the chances that state and local government will remain status quo.
Status quo for state and local is escalating debt, taxes and fees in the face of declining jobs growth, private sector wages and property values. It’s the tradition of standards in Illinois government that produced George Ryan, Rod Blagojevich and Rita Crundwell.
Since the turn of the 21st century voter turnout in Illinois primary elections of the non-presidential variety has dwindled. In the 2002 General Primary 33% of the registered voters voted. Only 23% turned out for the 2010 General Primary.
In 2010 DeKalb County voters narrowly favored Dan Hynes over Pat Quinn for the Democrat nomination and Andy McKenna over a field of seven candidates for the Republican nomination for Governor. That crowded field of Republican candidates included Kirk Dillard and Bill Brady. There were almost twice as many Republican ballots taken (9012) than Democrats (4723) in 2010 in DeKalb County. For comparison 41428 total DeKalb County voters participated in the 2012 Presidential General Election.
Only a couple of handfuls of oblivious sitting elected officials believe that the low voter turnout for primary elections is due to complete satisfaction of the job they’re doing. Of course they also believe the sad state of Illinois’ economy, mounting debt and shrinking opportunity is either George W. Bush’s fault or it’s Barack Obama’s depending on which side of the two party system they’re on.
Perhaps the two party system itself is part of the low voter turnout problem? According to the 2014 General Primary specimen ballot there are 88 precincts for DeKalb County voters to select committeemen. There are 28 Republicans and 18 Democrats running for the 88 positions open (for each party) as precinct committeemen. Seems to be a bipartisan turnout problem.
Another problem with the two party primary system is co-branding. Some hesitate to vote in primary elections because the law allows for voters to be identified as having voted Republican or Democrat. There are fears that such identification can and will be used against a voter with the perception of rampant nepotism and cronyism that exists in Illinois government. That fear is magnified to any would be candidate for political office in the two party system. The competition will build mountains against any Republican candidate that cast a Democrat ballot in an election, no matter what, and vice versa.
But the sure and steady reliable turnout voters are the aged and those employed in the public sector. The State Ethics Act may strictly prohibit electioneering on or with the public’s dime but there is topside down pressure to vote according to instructions always present in Illinois government. Electioneering should not be tolerated at any level of government including public education.
The only civilized remedy is for all registered voters to shake their apathy and their fears and vote intelligently to remove status quo. To support status quo in Illinois is to support the corruption and cronyism we all know exists.
21st Century Illinois Public Servant Convicts (Wikipedia)
- Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) was arrested and charged with 24 counts of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud and solicitation of bribery in so-called “Pay to Play” schemes, including the alleged sale of President Barack Obama‘s vacated U.S. Senate seat which he described in a wire tap as “f*****g golden”. Before trial he was impeached and removed from office by 59–0 votes of the Illinois Senate. (January 28, 2009)[181][182] On August 17, 2010, he was convicted on one of the 24 federal charges, lying to the FBI, and the jury was hung on the 23 other counts.[183] In a retrial in 2011, he was acquitted on one count, the jury reached no decision on two counts, and he was found guilty on 17 other counts.[184][185][186]
- Alonso Monk, former chief of staff to Rod Blagojevich, pleaded guilty to one count of mail fraud (2009).[187]
- Christopher Kelly advisor to Rod Blagojevich, pleaded guilty to fax fraud (2009).[188]
- John F. Harris chief of staff to Rod Blagojevich, pled quilty to one count of mail fraud (2009)[189]
- Illinois Governor George H. Ryan (R-IL) illegal sale of government licenses and contracts as Illinois Secretary of State and Governor. Convicted of 18 counts of corruption. (2006)[190]
- Illinois Scott Fawell, noted Illinois Republican and Chief of Staff to Governor George Ryan was sentenced to 6 ½ years in prison for racketeering and fraud.[191][192]
- Illinois State Senator Suzi Schmidt (R) announced she would not run for office in 2012. She had been criticized for telling a 911 operator to “just ignore” calls from her husband, “because he knows I have connections”.[97][98]
Illinois State Representative La Shawn K. Ford is a Democratic, representing the 8th District. On November 29, 2012, he was indicted on charges of bank fraud.[24]
Illinois Alderman of Chicago, Sandi Jackson (D) pled guilty to one count of filing false tax returns in conjunction with her husband US Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr. pleading guilty to fraud in February 2013.[25]
Illinois Comptroller and Treasurer for Dixon, IL, Rita Crundwell was arrested for fraud after allegedly embezzling as much as $30 million over many years. The money was used to support a lavish lifestyle and support her horse ranch, the Meri-J.[26] On February 14, 2013, Crundwell was sentenced to 19 years and 7 months in prison, just under the maximum 20-year sentence.[27][28][29]
Illinois State Representative Derrick Smith (D) was arrested for accepting a $7000 bribe. (2012)[30]
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