History will be made at tonight’s County Board meeting (7:30pm) in the Gatheratorium at the Legislative Center (200 S. Main Street, Sycamore).
It’s going to take a lot of guts by the 24 County Board members to ignore the bullying tactics by the County Administrator, Ray Bockman, and the carrots dangled by the Big Box company, Waste Management of Illinois, Inc.
The residents of DeKalb County and the constituents of the County Board members are counting on that courage.
Promises were made to all the states in the Gulf Coast region. Consider the devastating effects being experienced there now and in the immediate and long term future.
Now consider how an accident at the Cortland landfill might affect those living, working or attending school nearby. Who would want the legacy of having sold the safety of their constituents out?
The County Board members need their courage as well.
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Mark, you are the third person that has told me of this threat. One has inside info but not a board member. I am gathering info on this to send to Patrick Fitzgerald's office.
Mac – I have uncovered "the Fear factor". I spoke with a County Board Member who told me this morning that "IF" the county board votes the proposal down, each member who votes NO is "required" to specify, on record, after the vote, what "CRITERIA" of WM plan does not meet the requirements and detail what aspect of that criteria was not met. The board member I spoke with was quite fearful of having to justify his/her NO vote on these grounds. In addition this board member told me that he/she did NOT read all the documentation for the application and the entire Landfill hearing proceedings.
I believe strong arm tactics are at play here. The board is fearful of going on record against WM for fear of being sued.
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For any Board member that might be reading and not sure what to do… It is the applicant that must meet the burden of proof. WMI has not despite what their schills have said. If you have any doubts then they have not met the burden. Its that simple.