Bowl For Kids’ Sake, Big Brothers Big Sisters annual fundraiser, supports about 60-70% of its’ annual budget for the program. This event is an excellent way to give back to the community and it’s a lot of fun! Community members are asked to put together a team of four to six people and each team member raises individual pledges. The minimum to participate, which gets you a Big Brothers Big Sisters t-shirt and one free game of bowling, including shoe rental, is $75 per team member. The team is able to choose the time and bowling alley location which best suits their schedule.
Bowl For Kids’ Sake kicks off this Friday, February 28th, 2014, Saturday, March 1st and Sunday the 2nd at Mardi Gras Lanes in DeKalb and then March 9th at Idle Hour Lanes in Sandwich. Mardi Gras Lanes are located at 1730 Sycamore Rd., DeKalb. For more information or to register a team, visit or call Family Service Agency at 815-758-8616.
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