The term business intelligence often refers to a range of tools that provide quick, easy-to-digest access to insights about an organization’s current state, based on available data. Business intelligence is more than creating pretty reports and cleaning up data. Business intelligence is knowing and taking the appropriate action based on the data at hand, and ensuring that the right data is collected to solve the problems at hand.
A good analogy is your car’s dashboard. It’s got gauges that tell you what’s going on, and you have levers, pedals and a steering wheel to make the changes.
In business, that could be any kind of information needed from any part of your business. All functions of a business have a slightly different need for information. First, we take a look at your specific problems or situation. Where are the immediate pain points: Not enough customers? Trouble with cash flow or payment? Or are you over/understaffed?
Then we deliver solutions in what’s called “Minimum Viable Product” phases. We would take a look at what information you are currently using, and what additional information would you need to know to solve that problem or situation. Maybe you need a full marketing and sales funnel overhaul, maybe you just need to tweak how often you send your customers email and what content you’re sending.
Move from “I think we’re doing…” or “My gut tells me…” to some standardized baseline reports. Let’s start identifying what systems and information your organization trusts as well as what processes are working or need to be improved.
Maybe you have some reports, but they’re created manually or their reliability is questionable. Start to build a DataWarehouse to hold a trusted set of data for your company. Or enhance the system you have to be more automated or repeatable.
We can also do custom education for your existing staff. Rob has taught 100+ analysts how to better use their time in building reports in tools like Excel, Pivot Tables, PowerPivot, PowerBI, Tableau or Crystal Reports. As well as how to find and model data for those tools. If you feel you just need some guidance this is a great option.
When someone gets their driver’s license, they don’t read a book and jump behind the wheel. They usually have to spend time on the road with someone who knows what they’re doing to practice. They get some guidance while learning to master the skill themselves. Rob loves to teach and help new BI developers how to build Results Driven BI Solutions. This is a combination of education and consulting where Rob will help you build parts and you’ll help build other parts of a solution. The best way to ensure the information learned is retained.
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