The sign on the left was put up to replace the one that made “America’s Most Confusing Signs” (pictured on the right)
We’re still trying to figure out what the new one means…
Watch out for hula-hooping pedestrians?
What’s YOUR guess?
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Forget trying to cross the road in that place so:
“Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about.”
People, people, people – so gullible and easily amused. Please, go to the google machine and type in the words “string cheese incident hula hoop stickers”
Evidently, there’s a group of people who vocalize rhyming verse to the accompaniment of electronic instrumentation (i.e. a “band”) who go by the appellation of “String Cheese Incident”.
People who enjoy listening to recordings this group of characters have produced of these vocalized rhymes with musical backing (i.e. “fans of the band”) have somehow managed to procure adhesive-backed vinyl cutouts on which are printed a graphical representation of a popular American entertainment device from the late 1950’s/early 1960’s known as a “Hula-Hoop” in apparent motion.
These “fans” then remove the backing off of the adhesive part of the vinyl cutout, which enables the cutout to adhere to a smooth surface to which it is being applied, in this case a street sign meant to show motorists that pedestrians with no necks, hair or feet may be in the immediate vicinity.
After applying the vinyl cutout to the middle section of the graphical representation of the neckless, footless & hairless pedestrian, the “fans” guffaw heartily at the resultant amusing image that is now represented. The general population, (i.e. “non-fans”) are then left to contemplate the meaning of such a strange looking pedestrian, possibly to the point of distraction. And distraction, as we all should be aware, is a leading cause for automobile-pedestrian collisions.
Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that this sign means that if you are neckless, hairless and footless and try to cross the roadway in this location, be very vigilant, as there are many, many distracted drivers in the area.
Now, can we all agree?
No way. The Waxter and Birdman consulting firm did a $60,000 study that revealed that the faster cars approach pedestrians in the crosswalk the more confused they become and so they start walking around in circles. Not good. So what the sign is really saying is please reduce your speed so that you do not confuse unsuspecting pedestrians who may or may not be in the crosswalk ahead of you.
Always cross intersection with your surfboard securely tucked between your legs.
I was thinking along the lines of Dr. Stranglove…
It obviously means either “No Skateboarding in Intersection”, “No Skateboarding on Sidewalk”, or “No Skateboarding on Street” depending on the exact location and context of the sign. Anyone who thinks it means anything about a hula hoop, space aliens, Mambo #5, the Hokey-Pokey or Elvis needs to have their head examined and their driving privileges revoked.
Also, I just noticed the location of the sign and it’s proximity to Clinton Rosette Middle School. It definitely has to do with skateboards, and the point the sign obviously is conveying is that skateboards should not be ridden across the intersection. I guarantee if you ask any semi-intelligent 6th, 7th or 8th grader that attends Rosette what this sign means, they’ll give the correct answer. The sign is aimed at their general demographic, and the symbolism is probably very easily understood by that generation. I bet you that the same kids who can correctly interpret that sign don’t have a clue as to what a Hula-Hoop is, or why the heck someone would willingly swivel their hips in a way that is “like, so totally stupid looking, Mom” just to keep a plastic tube from hitting the ground.
Since it’s obviously a pedestrian in the cross walk and the color is green the message could be that we’re at least 21.4% redneck here in DeKalb County! 🙂 ALWAYS look both ways before crossing the street.
Beware: Bright light in shape of circle on the road……Alien’s transport stations do not cross……..LOL
That (the hoola hoop) is a string cheese incident sticker
Pedestrians: beware of unattended moving skateboards in crosswalk areas?
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I did look up the string cheese incident sticker… and yes I am too old to know what it is. here’s a link to a patch like our sign, being sold on ebay: