The Waterman – Shabbona Business Association (WSBA) wants to invite all current and past WSBA members, any new or existing business in the Waterman-Shabbona-Lee area to attend and learn more about WSBA and their upcoming plans and events.
The group is planning a float to feature businesses and attractions in the area summer parades and also planning an early fall event that they would like everyone’s input on. Their next meeting is this Wednesday, May 10th, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Waterman Winery, 11582 Waterman Road, in Waterman, IL. Directions: At the stop light in Waterman, go north on Elm Street, which becomes Waterman Road. Pizza and Beverages will be available at the meeting. Winery is on East side of Waterman Road, ½ mile north of Lee Road.
All area businesses, past and present members are welcome. The more the merrier! Bring a business contact with you!
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