Families, clubs and teams, police and fire departments, educators, and students are all invited to Safe Passage’s ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ fundraiser this Saturday, April 1st. Teams of four are encouraged, but single walkers are also welcome. Ask friends and family to pledge additional money to support this important cause! This event will offer community members a fun and interactive way to engage in dialogue about a topic that can be hard to discuss, sexual violence.
A $30 entrance fee allows participants to Walk a Mile in high heels and raise awareness about sexual assault and abuse, while supporting Safe Passage, the only rape crisis center serving DeKalb County. Bring your own heels, or borrow a pair from Safe Passage. Registration and the event start/finish will be held at NIU’s Convocation Center at 1525 W Lincoln Hwy, DeKalb beginning at 8:30am. Walk commences at 10am.
For more information contact Sarah Slavenas at sslavenas@safepassagedv.org or 815-756-5228 ext 143. **High heels in men’s sizes are available to borrow but will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Call to register today to ensure your size is ready for you on April 1st!**
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