UPDATE: Due to the weather forecast showing 100% chance of rain this coming Sunday, the Hoffman’s Conservation Easement cleanup will occur this Saturday, April 18th instead of Sunday. Volunteers are asked to sign in at the Conserve FS building, 5607 Rt. 72 Kirkland, to sign waivers and get updated Volunteer Information. Registration and waiver forms can be found online here. You can save time by printing out the form, filling it out and bringing it with you to registration. Americorps has set up a Volunteer Hotline for questions about volunteering. You can reach them at 815-762-8653.
At Irene Rd. and Rt. 72, tell the police office that you are going to cleanup the Hoffmann Property (and will not be going in to Fairdale unless assigned duty.) Look for a field driveway marked with Hoffman Realty Open House signs.
~Rick and Jane Hoffman have scheduled a clean up day for this Sunday, April 19th, 2015. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!
Fairdale tornado debris needs to be removed from their 80 acres of forested conservation easement land. (A “conservation easement” removes the land’s development potential. It is a legal agreement between a landowner and a land trust or government agency that permanently limits uses of the land in order to protect its conservation values.)
Please bring work gloves and boots (waterproof would be best but not necessary). The location of the land is one mile east of Fairdale on Rt 72. Look for a field driveway marked with Hoffman Realty Open House signs. Access is only from east of town. Any amount of time given is appreciated. Cleanup is starting at 9:00 am. Attached are pictures of the area to be cleared of debris (metal siding, plastic, lumber, etc.) This forest of trees was the first obstacle for the debris from Fairdale after the open farm field. Phone 815 757 5354 for questions.
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This was changed to today due to rain… Darn…
I was curious about that cow also.
By the way – what’s with the tiny cow in the picture?
Hey there – does anyone know if there is an age restriction on the volunteers for this clean up? The tornado response volunteer form states that you have to be 18 to help out. I have a 15 y.o. going on 35 who would like to volunteer.
do you know if there is an age restrictions for volunteers?
Alyssa Laessig Humza Shamsuddin Jay M Orbik
Thank you Jessica
Amy Rozell
Bill Anderson
Ok for the Conservation Land NORTH of ground zero…….. Is it not more important to help the families who have lost their homes????? Jee Wiz
Megan Burgos
Only Sunday?
Is that a cow?
Ryan Bond SaidatNick AndreasKelsey Quinn interested?
If anyone from the sycamore area is heading out there plz message me I’d love to catch a ride
I will be there Sunday at 9
Keep in mind that not all debris is trash. People are missing photos and important documents.
Megan, Heidi, Taylor
Ray Hensley
Danae Durham White
John Lange
Bob Lavigne.
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This was changed to today due to rain… Darn…