In 2012, the State of Illinois banned electronic waste from landfills. Since that time, DeKalb County Health Department’s Solid Waste Program has worked hard to ensure the availability of a convenient electronics recycling program. There are five electronics recycling collections held each month throughout the County.
As of July of 2015, the County’s Electronic Waste (EWaste) vendor stopped taking Cathode Ray Tube Televisions (CRT TVs). As an alternative, residents were able to recycle CRT TVs at Best Buy. However, Best Buy recently announced they would no longer accept any TVs or monitors. Vendors have stopped accepting CRT TVs, at no charge, due to costs. These costs are higher because CRT TVs and monitors contain lead, which means the materials have no resale value. Some options are to call DC Trash (815-758- 7274) or New Life Electronics (866-929-5551) to recycle CRT TVs. Both vendors charge a fee.
The County E-Waste sites will continue to accept all electronics except CRT TVs (the County sites still accept CRT monitors) at no cost to residents because the service is funded by the DeKalb County Solid Waste Program. According to Michelle Gibson, the Solid Waste Program Specialist, this continues to be a statewide problem and Illinois Counties are working with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and Legislators on a solution. For the complete schedule and a list of acceptable items, please visit our website at or call Michelle Gibson 815-748-2408.
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Best Buy takes them.

Best buy takes them for free

I suggest contacting the Illinois EPA and demand a change to their ineffective law. It is the source of all the struggle with finding end-of-life disposal for crt products. The manufacturers who sell electronics in Illinois are given responsibility for funding recycling of electronics based on a percentage (insert the words, “not nearly enough!!!” here) of tons sold in the state last year.
A. Electronics are getting lighter weight
B. Companies are given extremely low goal weights; many of the manufacturers have achieved their goal by March
C. Illinois EPA won’t even consider increasing the tonnages, lifting the landfill ban, allowing the CRT glass to be used for road beds, nothing.
The problem with recycling of CRT ewaste is the heavy glass, and recyclers aren’t the greedy ones.
Michelle Bentley works in Springfield at the EPA office and is typically the contact person in this program.
We have three tvs that still work, so we will need, at some point to also figure out what to do with them when we replace.



Yep, just saw a humongous CRT TV in the ditch on Aldrich road. County or township will have to pick it up and dispose of it. I’d be okay paying a small fee – say $25, but $60 is a lot of money for many people.

I agree with the county roads being littered with tv’s. No one is going to pay 60.00 per tv to get rid of them.

You can also take them to ReStore with habitat for humanity.

Yes, they charge a fee…$60.00 per TV. I can’t wait to see the county roads soon. Just lined with TVs as far as the eye can see. I have 4 of them. Hmmm….what should I do? $240.00 or county road $0.00. JK but I know what some folks will do. I have already seen a few already. The naive person I am, I thought they fell off a truck and the driver didn’t notice. Nope.
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Best Buy needs to update their site. I tried to take my 27″ there on 2/6 and they said as of 1/31 they are no longer taking them.