Getting Ready For Recovery: Navigating the New Normal
Monday, April 6 Webinar – 2pm
An unplugged Q&A session with Frank Roberts from First National Bank of Omaha and Mark Kerman with Siepert & Co on to discuss the PPP and EIDL applications and the documentation you need for your submission. The local industry experts will be on hand the entire webinar to go through all your questions and share insight into what they have learned so far about the process
Getting Ready to Recover: Small Business Adjustments – Wins in the Tough Times
Wednesday, April 8 Webinar – 2PM
Join us for a great session with Nick & Steph Bradac from Open Door Coffee to learn about creative ways they have used to stay relevant but continue to drive business during Shelter in Place.
Getting Ready to Recover: A Restaurateurs Guide to Keeping the Orders Flowing
Friday, April 10 Webinar – 2PM
Join us as we have Jeff Dobie from Fatty’s Pub and Grill and Bill McMahon from the Lincoln on to share all the successful strategies they have engaged to keep the orders coming and the revenue flowing!
The local small business support group DeKalb County UNITES is developing a series of live online webinars featuring area small business owners and industry experts to share information, resources and advice on how small businesses can “navigate the new normal.” These Getting Ready for Recovery live webinars are scheduled to run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
There will be time to ask your personal questions to our local professionals.
Additional information about the Getting Ready for Recovery small business support webinars is available via the DeKalb County UNITES website link.
Questions about the webinars or DeKalb County UNITES can be directed to the DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau at or by calling (815) 756-1336

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