The world renowned NIU Steelband presents its annual fall concert at Boutell Memorial Concert Hall at NIU Music Building this Sunday, November 22nd, 2015 at 3pm. The event is open to public and admission is free. The NIU Steelband Concert will be held at Boutell Memorial Concert Hall, School of Music, on the NIU campus.
The 24th annual Indian Valley Community Band holiday concert to kick off the Lions Club “Franklin Mall Christmas Project” will also be held this Sunday, November 22nd from 2-3:30pm. Free admission, but donations of non-perishables will be gratefully accepted. The performance will feature a variety of holiday music suitable for the entire family, as well as a sing-along of favorite Christmas tunes. Concert goers will be treated to a punch and cookie reception afterwards. The concert will be held at the Sandwich Opera House, 140 E. Railroad St. in Sandwich.
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