Fairdale, Illinois and surrounding area locals want to say a big THANK YOU to all those who have pitched in to help them recover from the Fairdale EF-4 Tornado on April 9th, 2015.
They were appreciative of all the kindness today, when they received the surprise gift of cash in hand, in their time of need. The Kirkland Lions Club, passed out the first round of checks from their You Caring.com account. The next checks from this fund will be delivered 4/19/15 and 4/26/15.
Some were were able to meet at the Kirkland Firehouse, others got their gifts while working on their property trying to recover personal items in the tornado zone. One said receiving this money made the difference to be able have a rental car for the week. He is still trying to sort out where to live, and figure out how and what to salvage. He only had liability insurance, and his car was destroyed. Another said they would be able to buy shoes, and pay for items to help secure property. These pictures below tell the story. What is the old cliche`- – a picture is worth a thousand words? Well it is true…take a look!
The Village of Kirkland has also been busy distributing money from the Official GoFundMe account handled by Alpine Bank in Kirkland. Alpine Bank has graciously offered to absorb all of the administrative costs of the fund so that ALL monies donated will be distributed to the families who were victims of the tornado. The Village has been in touch with all victims and are handling the passing out of checks and paying of certain bills for those affected. The Red Cross is helping by making assessments of needs and prioritizing them however all money distributions are being handled by the Village and will not go through the Red Cross.
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Glad to see it going directly to the victims and not tangled in red tape.

I see you in there Kenny Freeman your a good man…

Good to know and the public that gave it need to know that’s it going to people that need

We wish the victims and their families the very best!!!

We helped raise $5,000 for the Hernandez family!
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The Lions Club is a great organization! You usually don’t see the good they do, but they still are out there doing it!