Even as a primary, we the people, need to vote … to fix or at least address the problems we have been saddled with … the economy, taxes, and immigration problems – and yes … 10 to 15 other issues.
Look not at the party, or the funding, or the political egos … base your selection on: humanity, humility, integrity, openness, temperance, justice, accountability, courage, transcendence, transparency, and the drive to succeed.
The three basics of a good politician are: ‘honesty‘, ‘sincerity‘, and ‘commitment‘. Yet we know, that most candidates don’t check their egos at the door or act with apparent humility — even when, as is often the case, their egos are quite healthy and they have that ‘Look At ME‘ syndrome. Too often candidates take credit for things they have never done. They go into politics for all the wrong reasons. Remember, these people can change your lifestyle and you will have nothing to say about it.
Before you vote for a party or candidate, look at your home tax, and your income tax bill, then go to the gas station and get a full tank of gas, and then go to the grocery store and get a week’s worth of food … this should make your choice easier. Are you living better today than 2 or 5 years ago? Are you planning to move out of Illinois?
The definition of a “good” politician is therefore highly subjective. Nonetheless, political traditionalists claim that the “best” candidate should be selected based on serving the people (do they have the best interest of their constituents), following through on their ideologies and pre-election comments. Once elected, please support them as we will be stuck with them for 2 to 4 years.
Also, please do not condemn other people (friend or foe) if they don’t vote for your ideology, or your party, or even your favorite candidate. This is called … “Freedom” and “Respect” … and after all the votes are counted, continue to enjoy your friends and smile because tomorrow is another day, and feel good that ‘you voted‘.
It is funny that people will tell you what you want to hear, but once inside the voting booth, they (we hope) will pick the candidate that will serve the people and not look for glory or a pension. It is time for change. Make it happen.
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