With the development of technology and the fact that people are more connected and more on the go than ever before, the importance of eating together as a family has never been more pressing. These three reasons highlight why making time to eat your meals with your loved ones is the right choice for everyone in your home:
1. Preventing Against Health Problems
Research suggests that eating meals together as a family can prevent against health complications, including the prevention of obesity in children. Eating at home also reduces exposure to high levels of sodium, preservatives, and excessive caloric consumption, all of which have been linked to adverse health reactions. Eating at home can also have stress-relieving benefits.
2. Eating as a Family is Beneficial for Children
In addition to health, Cornell University has also published data that explains the link between eating meals as a family and reduced delinquency, improved psychological wellbeing, and greater academic achievement in children. Additionally, eating together as a family teaches positive family interaction.
3. Eating at Home Together is More Economical
Finally, eating at home together is the more economical choice, and can be particularly beneficial for those families living on a budget. When home gardening is added to meal creation, eating at home offers even more cost-saving benefits. Not only does eating at home save money, but it can also teach children the importance of knowing where food comes from; inspire conversations about nutrition and sustainability; and be the perfect introduction to a conversation about budgeting and planning.
While fewer people do it today than in days of old, eating your meals as a family is extremely important because it increases healthy living, is key to children’s optimal development, and is less expensive.Sources
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