The Sycamore Park District completed the latest phase of their ACTION 2020 plan with the opening of the Brian Bemis Family Dog Park on Saturday, May 4, 2019.
In order to use the dog park, you must purchase a Membership Tag for each dog. Membership Tags are available for purchase at the Sycamore Park District Community Center, 480 S. Airport Road, for the following fees:
Membership Tag – First Dog: Resident $15/Nonresident $20
Membership Tag – Additional Dog(s): $5
Daily Fee per Dog paid at Community Center or on-site pay station: $5
Proof of residency and up-to-date Rabies vaccines are required at the time of purchase.
Amenities for the Dog Park include waste bags, a pet drinking fountain, Free WiFi, and a device charging station.
To print a registration form, Click Here.
The next projects on the ACTION 2020 schedule are Phase II of the Trail Connections, construction of the 89-acre soccer complex, and an irrigation system for the golf course.
Already completed are the new Community Center, the Splashpad, the Sled Hill, and Phase I of the Trail Connections.
ACTION 2020 kicked off in 2014 with the passing of a local referendum. In April of that year, the Park District announced the purchase of the 25-acre parcel of land on Airport Road, across from the current sports complex.
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