DeKalb HS Band
The Sycamore High School Symphonic Band and the DeKalb High School Jazz Ensemble are pleased to announce they will perform a joint concert at DeKalb High School this Thursday, January 22 at 7:00 pm in the high school auditorium. Both ensembles have been invited to perform at the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) 2015 All-State Conference the end of this month, so Sycamore High School Band Director, Ken Goodman, and DeKalb High School Band Director, Steve Lundin, organized this event as a preview concert for an audience. Ken Goodman comments, “This is an excellent opportunity for the students in our ensembles to come together and ready ourselves for the upcoming ILMEA performance. This concert serves the dual purpose of preparing the students through a live concert performance and featuring these two outstanding ensembles at a concert that will entertain and impress an audience.” The public is invited to this free concert, and all are welcome to attend.

Sycamore HS Band
Last spring, both directors submitted audition recordings of their ensembles, which earned them a place on the stage at this year’s ILMEA conference. Goodman comments, “It is a prestigious honor for us to be invited to perform at ILMEA this year. Both schools have been well-represented in many past years, and both Sycamore and DeKalb often have some of the largest contingents of All-State musicians in attendance.” The Sycamore High School Symphonic Band will perform at the ILMEA conference on Saturday, January 31 at 9:00 am at the Peoria Civic Center. The DeKalb High School Jazz Ensemble will perform on Thursday, January 29, at the Peoria Civic Center at 8:15 pm. The public is welcome to attend any or all of the ILMEA music performances. Admission is required at the Peoria Civic Center.
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