Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter in support of Candy Smith for Mayor of Sycamore. Candy is not only my hilarious and wonderful aunt; she is also a lifelong Sycamore resident who has served the city over the past 18 years in a variety of roles ranging from Alderman to City Clerk and who actively volunteers for many local organizations and events that support the community. Candy is knowledgeable regarding the issues that matter to all of us. Whether you are raising a family, running a household or a businesses, trying to retire with dignity, or you simply want life in Sycamore to continue offering more, Candy has the experience and the savvy to get things done, but most importantly, she actually cares.
While I no longer live in Sycamore, I look back at my childhood as an exemplar of what small town life should be like, and I seek to replicate those values and opportunities for my own children. I am confident in saying that a vote for Candy Smith is a vote for competence, compassion and character – all things that are vital to the continued sustainability of Sycamore’s charm.
It goes without saying that local elections are more important than ever! Please vote Candy Smith for Mayor of Sycamore – not just because she cares – but because you do too!
Kira Tchang
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