Training for Tomorrow program is a workforce training program designed to protect existing jobs while at the same time growing jobs for the future. The goal is to upgrade skill levels of current employees so they are able to compete effectively as the marketplace changes. The federal stimulus program has allocated $500,000 to support this job training
effort in DeKalb, Kendall and Kane counties. First Institute Training and Management Inc. will be overseeing the money for DeKalb County.
Colleen Aeppli from First Institute Training and Management Inc. will be visiting employers randomly looking for interested local businesses. She has been traveling to job fairs to seek out employers and talking to all Chambers of Commerce in the DeKalb County area.
The target businesses are those that fall under Transportation, Warehousing, Logistics, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, Finance and Insurance, Manufacturing, Agri-Business, Healthcare, Green Industries and Occupations. Each business chooses their own vendor to deliver the training and makes all the arrangements. First Institute pays for the training and makes sure they accomplish the goals they set for themselves.
As far as where the training takes place, the business can have the vendor come to them or they can send employees to the training vendor. These expenses are paid for as long as the training will accomplish 2 things: 1) Benefit the employer and 2) benefit the employee.
First Institute even helps the business write the grant. It is not competitive, but first come first serve. Any DeKalb County business who is interested in learning more about this new training program is welcome to contact Colleen at or by calling 815-756-4893 ext. 249.
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Some years back, I found out that to partake of government program training, one had to submit all sorts of personal information…SSN, income, job history, education, etc. Essentially, contractors managing government retraining funds create a profile on the "student" and retain this information for their benefit (and the government's, I suppose). So not only are employers requesting government training assistance often tied up regarding compliance with federal or state program rules that might not otherwise apply, but also the students implicitly agree to certain risks in order to participate. (How would you like a future employer to have all your personal info, even before you get the job?) These training programs are all too typical of government run "benefit" programs. Always a two edged sword.
Strange to me that we happily teach/train the population of the world (and then hire many of them not even yet citizens to be our doctors, professors, etc.), only to later have our now multinational corporations outsource our best jobs to other countries, whereupon we eventually have to retrain our workforce for placement into lower grade jobs. I'm not entirely a protectionist, but certainly the playing field is not level when many other countries have no EPA, OSHA, COMMERCE, and a boatload of other regulations that must be complied with by businesses sited in the USA. Then there is the complete lack of enforcement with regard to patents, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property. It amazes me the USA worker/company can be competitive at all!
So "training" seems to be locking the barn doors long after the horses have fled! Why not first level the playing field? Instead, we propose Cap and Trade and other regulations that will further hinder US business and burden our people and government with sanctions the rest of the developing world will not pay any attention to. If only people would think before they vote! If only they would vote! If only politicians would follow a logical course of action rather than what will guarantee reelection and make them look good.
I'm afraid that sometimes when a company gets involved with a government agency for funding and money, rules change real quick on what you can do pay wise and hiring wise. Handcuffs like this sometimes makes it more difficult to move a business forward. I would like to see job retraining for those out of work now and looking for jobs that are being advertised right now but are requiring certain new training with regards to computers and current software systems used within these jobs NOW hiring.
Sounds like this is intended to help area companies retrain or improve their existing workforce. It would be worth reading an abstract of what the interested companies propose as "needed training". Would also be interesting to hear why some companies choose not to pursue this program. I wonder if a similar program will be offered to the unemployed?
TIF money can, and so can CDBG if I'm not mistaken.
I think TIF money can be used for job training??? I think it is in the Illinois Constitution for Legislators book.
I hope they will check with Hope Haven, which has a program to sponsor people to take CNA training, which often just about doubles their earnings potential. They could match funds with what HH donors give to the program.
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For quite some time I've wondered why the world has to be divided into protectionists and non-protectionists. Seems to me it would be smarter to apply a bit of well-placed protectionism under a particular set of circumstances and to remove it when those circumstances have changed for the better. I suppose that comes under your "logical course of action," Kerry.
Usually, when jobs get scarce in one area during a recession, people move. Friends and family have scattered across the continent over the course of my adult life. Twenty-five years ago it was Houston; now it's Bismarck, ND or, if you have the means, Ireland. What's changed is that a couple dozen years of wage erosion and the current housing market have conspired to keep people stuck. Where they're stuck, they may start paying attention to the policies that have gotten us into this mess. It could be a game-changer; then again, old habits die hard so it might still take awhile.