As winter approaches Sheriff Roger Scott is reminding citizens of the Sheriff’s Office free app known as the Mobile Patrol Safety App (Mobile Patrol). Among many other informational topics, available through Mobile Patrol, the key purpose is the ability for the Sheriif’s Office Communication Center to ‘push’ directly to the user’s smart phones weather and road conditions, and other alerts. The information is also tied into the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Winter road conditions are also available by phone at 815-748-6406 beginning November 1st.
Mobile Patrol was introduced in November of 2014 and now has approximately 1600 subscribers in conjunction with about 3400 Facebook subscribers. In the aftermath of the Fairdale tornado it was a vital link to the community and surrounding areas allowing the opportunity to give real time updates and information directly to citizens. The emergency alert reached thousands of people.
The Mobile Patrol App can be downloaded for free at the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. After downloading citizens enter their zip codes to get information about areas (neighborhoods) that are most important to them, including DeKalb County. Users should not enter any type of credit card information.
In addition to road alerts other current information available includes:
- Sex Offender location list (Offender Watch)
- DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office Corrections (Jail)
- Illinois Missing Children (Missing and Exploited Children)
- Jail Inmate list with photos and relevant charges
- Sheriff’s most wanted
Another capability available through Mobile Patrol is the ability for individuals to report non-emergency crime tips back to the Sheriff’s Office by activating the eye symbol at the top of the newsfeed section of the Mobile Patrol.
Sheriff’s Mobile Patrol is supported by the County Information Management Office , Sheriff’s staff, and is sponsored and developed by Appriss, a public safety software services company.
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