Pat Quinn and his special interest allies are spending about $1 million PER WEEK with lies about Bruce.
If it sounds like a lot, that’s because it is. They’re outspending us about 2 to 1.
Quinn will spend more money this year than anyone has ever spent to win the Illinois governor’s race. Ever. He’ll spend millions more than even Blago.
Why so much? With Pat Quinn under federal investigation, more news about patronage hires, an economy in the tank, cuts to education funding, and a whole host of other problems it will take record-breaking special interest cash to give Quinn a chance.
You know when the courts are intervening to kick term limits off the ballot despite overwhelming support from rank-and-file democrats, independents, and republicans that the deck is stacked against us.
But no one ever thought shaking up the system in a state like Illinois would be easy. The machine will pull out every stop to win. Of course.
So I spent all day yesterday re-crunching the numbers. We need $437,332 to give our advertising a needed boost to close the gap with Quinn and his special interest machine.
Could you help give us another boost with $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, or even $5,000?
I know that’s an extraordinary ask, but Quinn will say and do anything to hold onto power.
If you’ll consider giving please give right now, today. Don’t wait until October. It’s right now that we’re being outspent 2 to 1.
Chip Englander
Campaign Manager
Citizens for Rauner
Editor’s Note: We encourage all candidates for the 2014 General Election to send us their Press Releases.
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