The City of DeKalb invites residents to attend a public meeting on October 3, 2017, from
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Hampton Inn Conference Room, 663 South Annie Glidden
Road DeKalb, IL 60115. The informational public meeting is part of the Phase I Study
for proposed improvements to the intersection of Annie Glidden Road and Fairview
In 2001, the City received federal funding for improvements to the intersection of Annie
Glidden Road and Fairview Drive. Working with the Illinois Department of
Transportation (IDOT), staff identified $799,215.25 available for additional
Representatives from the City of DeKalb and WBK Engineering will present exhibits and
discuss the general scope of the project. The general scope of the project includes
widening both Annie Glidden Road and Fairview Drive to accommodate turn lanes,
traffic signal modifications, and drainage improvements.
Written comments regarding the project may be completed at the meeting or mailed to
the address below no later than Tuesday, October 17, 2017, if you cannot attend.
The meeting location is accessible to persons with a disability. Persons with a disability
planning to attend should notify Patrick DiDiana by Tuesday September 26, 2017 to
request any special accommodations.
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