August is National Water Quality Month, a good time to focus on preserving this critical resource.
A recent Gallup poll shows that 60% of Americans say they worry a great deal about pollution of drinking water. According to the same poll, more people are concerned about water pollution than global warming or extinction of some plants and animals. August is National Water Quality Month. This is a great time to focus on what you can do to preserve and protect this vital resource. Your trusted plumbers at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® offer many water conditioning solutions to help with water quality. We also offer these things to consider:
Do your Part
Stormwater runoff can contaminate the drinking water supply. As rain water washes over pavement and lawns, it can take oil, trash and fertilizer into waterways. Reduce your use of paved areas, lawn pesticides and fertilizers.
Invest in Water Saving Products
Many products can help you save water. Consider upgrading or replacing your hot water heater, toilets, faucets, and showerheads. Many of these are easy to install yourself or call a professional plumber.
Fix Leaks
Finding and fixing leaks in and around your home can help preserve water and save you money. According to the EPA one out of 10 homes has a leak that wastes at least 90 gallons of water a day. Fixing these leaks can save you as much as 10 percent on your utility bills. 2
For more on water quality and water conservation, contact your local Benjamin Franklin Plumbing at the number posted at the top of this page.
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