Voters within the DeKalb Park District boundaries overwhelmingly rejected a referendum to build a $15 million water park at Hopkins Park near the existing community swimming pool. Almost 76% of 2010 General Primary voters rejected the ballot proposal.
Taxpayers voted with a wallet lightened by a struggling economy that is hitting too many too close to home. Unemployment is near double digits in a community once thought to be recession proof. A record number of homes is at varying stages of foreclosure. By a 3,968-1,281 tally DeKalb taxpayers voted on priorities.
“I think the numbers show what most of DeKalb thinks,” wrote Dawn Smith, on the DeKalb County Online Facebook fanpage. “Pay for what you need, not what you want.”
YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,281 24.40
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,968 75.60
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