I’ve sung this song before! As long as the appointed administrator has thick enough skin and citizens have short enough memories The Plan keeps on coming on.
Goo Goo (good government) folks wear out or join the club (see Professor Mea Culpa). Or they move out to keep from jumping off the highest bridge they can find on the ol’ Kishwaukee because it’s now cheaper on either side, the further you go out.
The silent I-hear-nothing-I-see-nothing-I-say-nothing majority take the BS Generated reports hook-line-and-sinker. No one can foresee problems if they won’t look!
The Plan is when you need more money you raise taxes and fees. Or you create new ones. Irresponsible spending (like up 6% expenditures when your only up 3% in revenues — and the revenues are declining) can really only be treated one way and one way only: Raise Taxes and Fees.
The longer you stay in as an elected official the more you see that the Path of The Plan is the One True Path to the exclusive membership of The Club. Club members have learned the saving message that rewards are best when trickled down and cuts feel far less painful when administered from the bottom up.
Those possessing highly qualified backgrounds are educated in the most effective methods for continuation of The Plan. They invented The Club to use as a club to keep the good hearted all but volunteer elected officials in line. Don’t fix abuse if you can control its exclusive use! That would be rocking the boat to unsettling waves. Once you’re in The Club just be sure to trickle.
This is an open thread, so please vent!
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