Area women rally at No Strings Attached in Downtown DeKalb on Thursday, June 2nd, because the owner allegedly asked a customer to stop breastfeeding her child in his store. Watch video below.
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Stephen, I can certainly agree our country (foolishly, in my view) accepts violence and depictions of violence. However, promoting some forms of nudity and profligate sexuality anywhere, anytime, for any purpose is also foolish. Breastfeeding moms ought to have a way to accomplish what their babies need, but they also should do so discreetly, not flaunting their new found legal “right” to expose their breasts publicly during the course of breastfeeding. Prudence, carefully applied, is a useful character trait. If society was more prudent, we would have more commitment in marriage, lower divorce rates, and children more tenderly cared for. Breastfed or not, those children would become better citizens. Instead, we have rampant sexuality and nudity, teaching us its OK to just move on to the next relationship/opportunity rather than work to improve the one we first chose. That mindset, in my estimation, is equally dangerous with our awful acceptance of meaningless violence.
I don’t think its fair to lay all this at the feet of religion generally, but I do believe our preachers and philosophers are lacking in their willingness to broach the subject and suggest solutions. Strange, in the sense that the Christian bible is full of wisdom on handling these situations. Either our preachers and teachers are not well educated in their source materials, or they are just plain weak. But I would not go so far as to throw the baby out with the bathwater!
ON the Facebook page, someone posted that she is going to bring a bunch of things up to the counter, then pretend to remember that he didn’t let that single mother breastfeed in his store, then walk out.
Way to harass a small business owner. You know this is a resale shop. Not a big money maker.
These girls are in DIRE need something better to do with their time.
We live in one prudish country. Our religions have demonized nudity and sex as worse than violence. Just look at the violence shown in movies compared to the banned movies with sexual content. The rest of the civilized world must get many laughs at American mores.
so where does a women complain if she is denied entrance or kicked out of a store?
Gotta love Chiltons!
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Like I am really sorry to see this culture clash mans, John does the best he can there and still is the only free bible in town as far as I know. And he doesn’t peddle the smut that IS peddled elsewhere. I would expect the average mom to support his enterprises… however,
I CAN picture the look of surprise on the mom when John is, as usual, just direct, and not pc. Priceless.
As regards moms assumed rights, I have gotten a little tired of being run down by single, double and triple baby carriages who seem to think that THEY ALWAYS have the right of way. And the soccer moms with a Van full of kids REALLY should NOT get on their cell phones to multiply their distracted driving.
MaryAnn(SMOKIN) requests that I keep my shirt on in these stores for the same reason the moms could easily cover up, NO ONE ONE WANTS TO SEE IT THERE.
Good luck moms AND John man.