If you are a candidate for office in the 2014 Illinois General Election use us. In more than 17 years of online publishing DeKalb County Online and our affiliate Kishwaukee Valley News have built a solid readership base of local residents who want to make an informed vote. Our readers are more informed than most and appreciate hearing from elected officials and candidates especially in a campaign season.
So how can you use us?
Yes, Virginia, some things in life are still free:
Send us your campaign press releases and statements and we’ll publish them verbatim free of charge. Better yet send the full complete link to your RSS feed and the process is pretty much automated from that point on.
We do have exceptions. We won’t publish offensive material that promotes sex, hate or violence. We will not allow inclusion of “bonus” scripts within RSS feeds for any purpose. We will aggressively discourage spamming or flooding.
Comments are enabled to allow readers to ask questions or provide clarifications. We are not responsible for the content of reader comments but we do moderate and delete those that promote sex, hate or violence. We encourage candidates to respond to questions and provide clarifications when necessary.
Contact Us for more information.
Paid Advertising – Campaign Yard Signs
Paid political advertising is limited to our Campaign Yard Signs program. The cost is $15 per week. You choose how many weeks. There are no discounts or premiums.
What you get: Beginning April 13, 2014 we will place participating Campaign Yard Signs on each page and post categorized or tagged as 2014 General Election. Your Campaign Yard Sign button will link to the website (URL) you designate. When reading election information readers will see your campaign sign and can click it to read more information about you and your campaign.
Mechanicals: Campaign Yard Signs should be sized at 250 pixels square (250px by 250px) and must be either in .jpg (jpeg), .png or .gif. No Flash, java or javascript. Animated gifs are accepted, maxium 3 frames.
Place your order now: [wp_cart_button name=”Campaign Yard Sale advertising” price=”$15.00″] |
First Person Video
We will accept, embed and publish YouTube or Vimeo videos from candidates that are narrated in first person by the candidates and do not exceed five (5) minutes. Let our readers get to know you. Explain your ideas.
Contact Us for more information.
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