Northern Illinois University’s presidential search has moved to the airport interview stage, and 10 candidates have been invited to interview Thursday and Friday. The 28-person Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) is scheduled to meet in closed session for the entire day March 7-8 with the goal of narrowing the field to four candidates for the position of NIU’s 12th president.
The 10 candidates were identified with the assistance of Atlanta-based Parker Executive Search (PES), one of the most highly regarded higher education-specific executive search firms in the country, providing services to both public and private universities aggressively recruiting senior academic leaders.
Robert Boey, who has served on the NIU Board of Trustees since its inception in 1996, chairs the PSAC. The co-chair is Alan Rosenbaum, a professor of psychology who serves as president of the NIU Faculty Senate and executive secretary of the University Council.
“This week represents an important step as we meet each of these excellent candidates in person,” said Boey. “Parker Executive Search helped the Presidential Search Advisory Committee identify the best of the best, and it is our hope to be able to present four candidates to the Board for further consideration following these interviews.”
“The PSAC has done a great job of keeping its focus on the best interests of NIU and finding the right person to deal with the problems confronting higher education, in general, and NIU in particular,” Rosenbaum added.
John G. Peters is stepping aside after 13 years of presidential service on June 30. Under Peters’ leadership, NIU gained national and international recognition for its student focus and engagement, excellence in faculty research and teaching and commitments to regional economic development and community service.
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