The NIU Board of Trustees (BOT) wants to adjust the search for new Northern Illinois University President to consider the current Acting President to be the front runner and the new President.
Dr. Lisa C. Freeman was appointed acting president NIU in July 2017. In this role, Freeman works to support all aspects of the university’s mission, emphasizing NIU’s continued commitments to promoting the social mobility of our students, producing high impact scholarship, and engaging with our region. Accordingly, she strives to create a learning environment where students, faculty and staff from a wide range of backgrounds feel welcome and included. Freeman has been a member of NIU’s senior leadership team and a professor of Biology since 2010. She served as NIU’s vice president for Research and Graduate Studies from 2010 to 2013. She became executive Vice President and Provost in May 2014 after serving on an interim basis.
The NIU Board of Trustees will hear a proposal on the adjustment to the search at a special meeting at 9 a.m. Monday in Room 315 at Altgeld Hall, on the campus of NIU in DeKalb, IL..
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