National Night Out culminates annually on the first Tuesday in August. The DeKalb National Night Out was held Tuesday evening in the Walmart parking lot and truly was a chance to support local DeKalb County Pride.
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law/fire enforcement organizations while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police, fire departments and neighbors together under positive circumstances.

In attendance was a variety of Police, Fire Departments and leaders. They included the Sycamore Fire and Police Departments, the DeKalb Fire and Police Departments, Northern Illinois Public Safety Department, and the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department. Sycamore Police Chief Jim Winters made the rounds of the various police departments and felt it important to network with all the agencies.
DeKalb Police Chief (Interim) John Petragallo returned early from his family vacation to be part of the event. “This is a wonderful outreach for not only DeKalb, but for the entire county”, said Chief Petragallo.
Sycamore Fire Chief Peter ‘Pete’ Polarek said “it is great seeing the positive networking between the fire and police staffs and the young people in attendance”.
Sycamore Mayor Curt Lang and DeKalb Mayor Jerry Smith attended the event to support the work of the National Night Out-DeKalb group. “This is the kind of projects we need to combine our communities.” said Mayor Smith.
Local NNO-DeKalb coordinator Kathy Guyer was excited for the large turn out. She liked the $1.00 Hot Dogs offered for sale by DeKalb Boy Scout Troop 33 and liked the fact that various police and fire groups were so pro-active with the attendees. In addressing the police group that offered snow cones, she smiled as she thanked the group for the fantastic effort to reach out to families.
Sycamore Mayor Curt Lang summed up the afternoon by saying what a wonderful way to combine our community members (county wide) and first responders in a positive manner. “DeKalb County families should have pride in the people that serve the community … our police and fire departments are the best,” said Mayor Lang.

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