1) Your policy is only as good as your agent!
(P.S. I know a really good agent 😉
2) Your policy should be flexible…your life is going to change and your life insurance will need to change with it.
3) I do not believe in a formula to determine how much insurance you should have. Many agents use 10 X your income or some similar, yet arbitrary number. I belive life insurance is a personal decision and should be personalized to meet your needs and your budget.
4) It is better to have “some insurance” than to have no insurance.
5) Having enough insurance is best.
6) The only things certain in life are death and taxes. Hopefully you are alive and reading this message, but someone of your gender, your age and your marital status did not live through the today. That person was a parent,a sibling, a child or a friend. That life was meaningful and the void that is left behind seems senseless.
6) Life insurance cannot prevent dealth. It does keep one tragedy from becoming more tragic than absolutely necessary.
7) Life insurance provides stability, peace of mind and financial support to those left behind.
8) Most people know they need life insurance or that the coverage they have isn’t sufficient.
9) Puchasing life insurance doesn’t have to be time-consuming, painful, difficult or expensive.
10) I offer free consultationss to my customer and the general public regarding life insurance and other income replacement options.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you are in need or advice or would like help putting together your life insurance plan.
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