Candidate’s Name: Michael T Embrey
Office you are seeking: Mayor of DeKalb
Unit of Government: City of DeKalb
Candidate’s website address:
Response to the budget crunch
- Unfortunately, taxes and fees must be increased to meet expenditures. Disagree
- Expenditures must be reduced to meet the revenue. It’s that simple. Agree
- Taxes are high enough so let’s raise fees. Strongly Disagree
- This is a time to lean on staff for their recommendations. Strongly Agree
- It’s time to hire a consultant and get a report that will guide us through these tough times. Disagree
- Hold the line on taxes. Use the rainy day fund to cover expenses. Things have got to get better. Strongly Agree
Comment: DeKalb city officials need to adopt a “just say no” approach to tax increases this coming year. City staff needs to make decisions to embrace two important priorities: continuing to hold the line on property taxes while delivering high-quality services. By having limited resources, we have a mission to be more efficient every day. When there is no more money to spend, we have to set priorities to get more productive, because there’s no other way to do it. We cannot tax or fee our way out of an economic crisis.
Q3: What services would you seek to enhance or expand during your term?
To improve our Community, build on what’s good to make things better. … on more complex issues such as creating jobs in the neighborhood and improving social services take a hard stand to support. To encourage economic growth gives a future stimulus that would improve dollar value for return on investment. Enhance action and community committees to be part of the solution to make the town better. Use commissions on various areas to lighten the load of city staff.
Q4: What services would you cut or reduce to balance the budget?
Spending limits for the City Manager and staff would be frozen until a true analysis of current, past and future spending dollars are under control. NO additional consulting fees without more Council and Mayor review. Partnering with other agencies on large purchase orders or product needs. Staff needs and the quality of personal would be reviewed to both understand job descriptions, workloads and success in doing their jobs.
Q5: What makes you uniquely qualified for the position you are seeking?
My experience in the business world, my 40+ years longevity in DeKalb, and strong desire to continue giving back to my community along with my ability to listen, ability to make decisions and my willingness to incorporate citizen input, will be the cornerstone of my leadership style. My credo of ‘make things happen’ has served me well in my success in both business and life. Progressive management skill in the various arenas of business, personnel, and finance. A great understanding of economic development and tourism/special events with current ties to regional, state and national agencies. My academic ties to Northern Illinois University can enhance a better town/gown relationship.
Q6: What does open, transparent government mean to you?
Transparency should be the City’s commitment to promoting effective and open government by providing access to public information which allows public knowledge and engagement, and subject to all laws. Transparency must operate in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. There should be a limited need to FOIA if there are good communications between ALL parties.
Q7: What changes to your community are needed?
Change the image of ALL the negatives in a more positive direction. Create a futuristic vision with both a short and long range goal. Use TIF funds for innovations to affect the masses, not limited few. Envision an educational program that will support a ‘Kindergarten to College’ success rate without raising taxes. Develop a program for city employees and commissions to improve skills and teach new systems, fosters collaboration across agencies, and to empower and reward people for developing new innovations and concepts to save the city money. Be open, honest and available … to be the leader of the ‘citizens.’
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