Matthew Slider and Preston Ruud, members of BSA Troop 16 chartered at Federated Church in Sycamore and Sycamore High School Freshmen, were recently awarded the Eagle Rank, the highest award achievable in Boy Scouts. Matt is the son of Michael and Robin Slider of Sycamore. Preston is the son of David and Kathy Ruud of Sycamore.
- Matthew Slider
- Preston Ruud
Matt Slider first experienced scouting as a mascot in his brother Dustin’s Cub Scout Den for 3 years before being old enough to join Pack 141 at the Sycamore United Methodist Church in 2008. After earning all 5 Cub Scout ranks; he also earned the Super Achiever Award for completing all 20 Webelo pin requirements, as well as the Arrow of Light, the highest award earned in Cub Scouts. After crossing over into Boy Scouts Troop 16, he served as Patrol Leader, Troop Leave No Trace Coordinator, Assistant Quartermaster, and Quartermaster. In 2015, he became a member of the Order of the Arrow. Being active in the numerous campouts and troop activities, he attended Tomahawk Scout Reservation and Tesomas Scout Camp, as well as National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) in 2016. He has experienced 3 High Adventure trips canoeing on the Current River in Missouri, Boundary Waters, and most recently the Philmont Scout Ranch in 2016. He earned 30 merit badges enjoying the Lifesaving and Rifle badges the most.
Literature has always been an important part of Matt’s life, so he wanted to ensure every child could have the opportunity to enjoy reading books. His Eagle Scout project entailed collecting books from the community and donating them to needy families that utilize the Sycamore United Methodist Church Food Pantry. He organized a book fair for the community in December 2015. Children were invited to attend and choose as many books as they liked while enjoying story time and snacks. “I received so many donations I was also able to donate 1000 books to the Two Rivers Head Start program and the annual Federated Book Drive” comments Matt.
Preston Ruud first experienced scouting while attending Boy Scout activities with his older brother. He joined Cub Scouts in First grade with Pack 140 and earned ranks of Bear, Webelos I and II, and in 2013 he earned the Arrow of Light award (the highest award given in Cub Scouts). At the age of 12, he crossed over into Boy Scouts and joined Boy Scouts Troop 16. Preston continued his trail to Eagle serving as Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. He enjoyed numerous campouts, troop activities and service projects, and attended Tesomas Scout Camp, Tomahawk Scout Reservation, and National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) in 2016. He has experienced 3 High Adventure trips including Current River Rafting in Missouri, North Woods High Adventure: Scuba Diving, and the Rocky Mountain High Adventure Base. He earned 28 merit badges with Shot Gun and Scuba Diving as his favorite badges to earn.
Preston’s Eagle Scout project benefitted the residents of Oak Crest, and it entailed building two raised flower beds. Preston explains, “I chose this for my project in honor of my Grandma, Helen Ruud. She was a resident at Oak Crest and I spent a lot of time visiting her there. She loved to garden and we enjoyed spending time together in the Courtyard. I wanted to do something for her and the other residents to enjoy.” With the assistance of his fellow scout mates, Preston led the project and the volunteers built two raised garden centers. They were built with wheels on the legs so they can be easily moved around and are tall enough so residents in wheelchairs can wheel directly underneath to easily plant flowers, vegetables and maintain the plants. “Unfortunately, my Grandma passed away in December 2015 and was unable to experience the flower beds. I wanted her to see them, but others can enjoy it in memory of her” comments Preston.
To achieve the Eagle rank, each scout must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, remain active in their troop, live by the Principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, complete a service project, and participate in an Eagle Board of Review with all requirements being completed before their 18th birthday. This is quite an achievement as only about 5 percent of all Boy Scouts achieve the rank of Eagle. This prestigious award is recognized by colleges, the workforce, and all branches of the armed forces.
Matt and Preston recently held their formal Eagle Ceremony and were awarded his Eagle rank along with four other scouts who also achieved the rank this past fall at Federated Church in Sycamore. Matt comments, “Earning the Eagle rank is a great honor and a life goal I have finally achieved. I encourage all scouts to pursue the rank of Eagle and also encourage all parents to volunteer with their son’s scout troop. Parent involvement really makes a difference!” Matt would like to thank his mom, dad, brother, grandma, and friends for their support and assistance along his trail to Eagle. Matt is a Freshman at Sycamore High School (SHS) and is involved in theater, choir and bowling, and will remain active in scouting with Troop 16. He is looking forward to enjoying his time in High School, plans to attend college, medical school, and become a Doctor.
Preston comments, “Earning the Eagle rank means a lot to me; it is a huge accomplishment with lots of hard work and commitment that I had to seek the entire journey. I knew I wanted to be an Eagle Scout when I witnessed my older brother, Erik, achieve his Eagle rank. I hope younger scouts are able to achieve this great accomplishment.” Preston would like to thank his parents, brother and sister, his mentor, Jim Hunt, Kevin Cady, Dan Foley, the scouts and adult leaders in Troop 16, Scoutmaster Dr. Tim Ruetten, and Oak Crest for helping me along my trail to Eagle.” Preston is a Freshman at Sycamore High School (SHS) and is involved in SHS Football, Basketball and Track, and also a 4-H member. He is looking forward to enjoying his time in High School, plans to attend college, and will remain active in scouting with Troop 16.
Troop 16 is a strong troop with over 45 active scouts. Any boy aged 11 through 18 is invited to join; no past scouting experience or background is required. Troop 16 meets most Sunday evenings from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm at the Federated Church in Sycamore. For more information, please contact Scoutmaster Tom Peterson at or 815.546.0894.
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Great job guys. Congrats
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